Change Your Life Change The World

Pray The Rosary New Jersey
mother mary bumper sticker


Our Mission

The Ray of Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization with the main goal of spreading the Blessed Mother’s message, “Pray the Rosary.” We have done this through social media, billboards, radio ads, bumper stickers, and by sending holy oil/rosary beads all over the world. In the future we are hoping to share our miracle stories on a podcast platform!

Our other main goal is to help individuals in need (children especially), whether spiritually, financially, or with their final wishes. Over the years our foundation has donated to countless children suffering illnesses and enduring extreme financial hardships. Every Christmas season toys are distributed to underprivileged families, as well as hospitals, shelters, transition homes, nursing homes, churches and special needs families. The foundation has contributed money towards the tuition of certain children of families undergoing severe financial distress, it has helped families buy unaffordable medicine, and it has aided local sports teams to buy uniforms to teach children how to be part of teams. Along with this, we have helped adults pay for hospital bills, cancer treatments, and groceries for their hungry family members. We have given financial assistance to many who were close to becoming homeless, and we have also given many a place to stay after they have lost their homes.

The Ray of Hope Foundation continues to grow by doing what Jesus did: “Loving your neighbor as yourself!” Please call and volunteer with us! We need you, and we have many different opportunities that you can be a part of.

Our foundation exists through the generosity and prayers from all of you. Please consider helping Mother Mary with her mission.

The Ray Of Hope Foundation is a 501C3 non profit organization. All Donations are tax deductible as allowed under the law.

WABC 570 AM & 970 AM

February Rosary Schedule

Praying The Rosary at Saint Mary's New Jersey

Zoom Meeting Every Tuesday at 7:30PM
Zoom Meeting Number 761-341-3656

Praying The Rosary at Saint Mary's New Jersey

Tuesday February 25th 7:30 PM
Saint Mary's Church
345 South Main Street, Wharton NJ 07885

Featured Stories

What We Do

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1. Spread the word about praying the rosary

2. Coordinate and help feed families in the area working with local food pantires, and businesses to help those with food insecurities.

3. Promote "learning lessons": Helping local children with special needs by donating educational toys and games.

4. Give out thousands of rosary beads and bumper stickers to individuals in the United States and others throughout the world

5. Donating to children and families suffering from disease, illness, and those in need of financial assistance. We also donate to local charities with the homeless, abused, and neglected. as well as donations to cancer charities.

6. Organize a yearly toy drive for children in local inner cities as well as charities during Christmas.

7. Fund yearly Memorial scholarship

8. Currently establishing a senior initiative: Visiting Angels. Volunteers will visit seniors in nursing homes in need of companions.

PLEASE HELP by donating or volunteering! Your help will allow us to continue our mission!


Praying The Rosary at Saint Mary's New Jersey

Learn About Our Online Rosaries

We are now streaming live rosaries! Please go to and clink on Ray of Hope Foundation. You can watch our rosary now. Be sure to enter your information to get notified on upcoming live rosaries.

Live Zoom Rosaries

For our live Zoom rosaries please contact Deeni at 551-655-4109.

Mary's Miracles

in the near future. We will be interviewing people who have received blessings through praying for Mary's intercession. Miracles happen and we want to share with the world God's love for us!

Rosary Billboard

One module broke right on the spot of Mary's heart...It looks like Her Heart is lighting up for all of us!!


Click Here To Learn The Rosary

Our Father

Our father, who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

Glory be to the Father

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen